Tuesday, June 17, 2008

One Year Ago Today

One year ago today, I posted this entry on my Yahoo 360 blog:

I was attracted to this page view stat just before closing out of my home page while I was talking to Bo-Bann on the phone and I wanted to give her my full attention.

Visitor Stats: Since Mar 2006

Page Views


So I copied and pasted it onto a new blog entry page before settling in to listen to my friend. I wanted to hear everything she had to say about the subject of neutrality. I had just been relating to her my frustration about feeling energies around me but not knowing what to do with it, not being able to decode what it means. And she said that perhaps it doesn't mean anything if I don't receive clarity, perhaps it is just energy that I should acknowledge and move on. To be content that it is what it is and no more. It made perfect sense. And the fact that I saw all those ones just as we began this conversation? I believe I am to be mindful of how I am feeling; that how I am feeling will manifest itself in a neutral way. Neutrality means that the universe doesn't care one way or another, but our perceptions can create different energies. In my case I understand that just like the shadow that crosses my peripheral vision and disappears when I look directly at the place I saw it, when I try too hard to get meaning from what I think might be a message it is likely counterproductive.

We also spoke of some events that are related to my throat chakra and she asked me if I felt I speak my truth. After giving it some consideration I realize that I do not always, that I still edit to please, but that I am learning to overcome this. It does get easier with age and awareness.

This might look like a bunch of crazy strung together thoughts, but I know what I mean. It is hard to define the undefineable and I really am not even trying to... but maybe someone else reading this will see something in it that is beneficial.

paranormal, , personalmeanderings Edit Tags

Tuesday June 19, 2007

I haven't visited my 360 page in months but today I went over trolling for some old material to cross post here (since I am too lazy to write something new) and this entry captivated me and made me realize how far I have come in a year regarding the development of my awareness and sensitivity as well as my reaction to them. I realized too, that may have been the conversation that provided a turning point. When I realized that I wrote those words exactly one year ago today (the 3rd Tuesday in June) I knew it meant something that I was to stumble across them again today. The very last line? I think it was by me, for me.

1 comment:

DeeAnne said...

I think that sometimes we are not meant to understand everything. Like you said, I think sometimes it is enough to know that something occured and understanding will come in its own time.

I have found from time to time, that things I post in my own blogs and writing come to mean something to me later as well. Sometimes something completely different than what it meant when I wrote it.