I have been doing a lot of thinking recently about higher vibrations compared to lower energies and how they can apply to almost everything we say, think and do. What has been occurring in our political arena as Election 2008 heads into the final heated days is a perfect teaching moment to illustrate how these energies affect all of us.
The seven energy chakras in our body are a combination of higher and lower energy vibrations. Base energies consist of the first three chakras: 1. the root, depicted red; 2. the sacral, orange; and 3. the solar plexus, yellow. The third chakra is the energy of what we call “gut feelings.”
Moving up to the higher chakra centers there are: 4. the heart, depicted green; 5. the throat, blue; 6. the third eye, indigo; and 7. the crown chakra, violet.
We can all recall times that we reacted to events in our lives with our hearts and our heads and the experience most often tended to be a positive, loving one that maybe taught us a valuable life lesson. Then there were those situations that made our guts literally churn. If we were to name one most prominent emotion driving this feeling, it would probably be fear.
When fear drives us, making our solar plexus the dominant energy center, our base vibrations are winning the day. When we are reacting from a place of base vibration we often are not allowing our higher vibrations of reason to gain traction. We go crazy with worry that feeds upon itself creating more fear and more worry, like a fire that gains intensity the more oxygen it gets.
Ideally all chakras should be in balance and spinning at a similar rate to each other, the base chakras are not negative when in balance with the higher energies. It is when there is a lack of balance that there is a problem.
Getting back to the election; it has been striking the marked difference between the tone of the rallies for Barack Obama and those for John McCain, especially once the palpable negative energy of VP pick Palin was added into the McCain mix.
On one hand, people at Obama’s rallies are happy and hopeful. The candidate speaks of ideas and policy proposals and the crowd cheers and beams. Even when they booed recently at the mention of McCain’s name, Senator Obama just smiled and said, “Don’t boo, get out and vote!” He was appealing to their better angels, their higher vibrations. People leave Obama rallies energized and happy to be a part of a historic movement. I have been to a rally and have volunteered quite a bit over the course of this campaign and I have yet to witness anything resembling hate or negativity from any of the other attendees or staff and volunteers.
Contrast that with what the McCain and Palin campaign stops have become. Listening to those candidates you learn one main point – they hate Barack Obama and will say anything to vilify him and get their audience to agree with them. There are virtually no solid ideas discussed regarding the direction they want to take the country, instead, almost every single sentence starts with, “Senator Obama…” Their main goal is to tear down their opponent and it has come to define their entire campaign. People leave those rallied angry and afraid. Their guts are churning and they’re mad as hell.
Another 21st century politician who governs from the gut is our current, and thankfully soon exiting, president. I think we all know how that worked out for the American people. I see the McCain campaign as a continuation of this lower energy field that has pervaded for eight long years.
So many of us are working, calling, voting and praying fervently that Change really is coming. It’s time to raise the collective consciousness of not only this nation but the world. It’s time to heal our planet physically and mentally. We all need to get back in touch with our better angels. Elect Barack Obama and Joe Biden on November 4th.
Note: This piece was cross posted at Multiply
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